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Minto Monthly Report For August

September 19, 2022

August is over, which means it’s time for the Minto monthly report. What’s been happening?

— We got new partners. One of them is Trust Wallet  — a safe and reliable crypto wallet. Our second partner cannot be revealed yet. All we can say is: it’s a crypto exchange!

— We know you are eager to find out when the bridge between HECO and BSC becomes available. Good news: we are in the final phase of testing at Mainnet!

— And now onto some numbers. Here you can see how much we’ve earned this month in “65% uptime” mode, and how much less we could have earned mining “as is”:

Hypothetical results with 100% uptime
BTC: 7, 5850
USD: 167 183
Electricity cost:
USD: 139 087
Net profit:
USD: 28 096

Actual results with 65% uptime:
BTC: 4,2950
USD: 94 572
Electricity cost:
USD: 54 764
Net profit:
USD: 39 808

— Changes on the Minto website. We launched Arabic localization and a new user interface is being developed. Soon it will be easier and more fun to navigate.

— August ended up being the funniest month yet: we hosted two whole meme contests and the winners got rewarded with BTCMT tokens. Watch out for updates — we do contests regularly!

— August 2nd we had the AMA-session with iToken with the AirDrop worth 5000$. That was very interesting and inspiring. Thank you everyone!

That’s it for now. It was an eventful month!

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